1. General information

This legal notice has been prepared in order to comply with the provisions contained in Law 34/2002 of July 11, Services Information Society and Electronic Commerce.

This Legal Notice governs the use of the website, which is accessed through the Internet https://diligens.es that Diligens Tax Consulting, SL, (hereinafter DILIGENS), with registered office at Cristóbal Bordiú, 35, Floor 1, office 108, 28003 Madrid, Spain and CIF number B-86918331, registered in the Commercial Registry of Madrid, Volume 31,898, Folio 121, Section 8, Page M-574118, available to Internet users.

The above website has been designed to present the information, activities and services offered by DILIGENS.

Using the website the user status thereof (hereinafter the user) and implies acceptance of all conditions contained in this Legal Notice, the User must carefully read the same in each of the occasions on which it intends to use the website, since conditions of use are subject to change.

Access to the website is free of charge except for the cost of connection through the telecommunications network provided by the service provider contracted by users.

The fulfilment of the obligations contained in this Legal Notice is limited to the use of the web site, consequently compliance by the User ends at the time they are disconnected from the website.

2. Using the website

The User must make proper use of the website in accordance with applicable law and this Legal Notice, must answer for damages caused as a result of a breach of this obligation.

Also, the information provided by the user through the website must be truthful. Thus, the User guarantees the authenticity of all data communicated and agrees to keep the information provided to DILIGENS fully updated so that it responds at all times to the current situation of the user, being the User solely responsible for any false statements inaccurate or made ​​and the damage caused to DILIGENS or others for the information provided.

3. Intellectual property

DILIGENS all rights to trademarks, trade names or other distinguishing marks, patents, and intellectual property with respect to the content and design of this website reserves.

In particular, the contents that appear or may appear on the website (text, photographs, graphics, images, icons, software, links, graphics, source code, etc.) Are owned by DILIGENS or third parties have expressly authorized DILIGENS for inclusion in the website. Under no circumstances shall DILIGENS grants the User any license or waiver , transmits, or transfers , in whole or in part, its rights in such content, or to confer any right of transformation , exploitation, reproduction, distribution or public communication of the contents .

Similarly, trademarks, trade names and other distinctive signs discussed in this site are property of their respective owners. You agree that access to this Internet service should not be construed as a tacit concession, under the doctrine of the acts themselves or by another mechanism, any license or right to use any trademark, trade name or other signs distinctive appearing on this website without the prior written consent of DILIGENS or their respective owners.

4. Responsibility

DILIGENS is not obliged to check the accuracy of the information provided through its website. DILIGENS is not responsible for decisions based on the information provided in the website, or damages caused to the User as a result of actions that are based solely on information obtained from the website, since the contents of this page are general in nature and does not constitute the provision of professional services of any kind, so this information is insufficient for making professional and business decisions by the User.

Access to the Site does not imply any obligation on DILIGENS to supervise the absence of viruses or other harmful computer element, corresponding to the availability of suitable user for the detection and disinfection of harmful computer programs, so DILIGENS is not responsible of the damage to the computers of the users or third parties for the provision of the website service.

DILIGENS is not responsible for damage or loss caused to the User as a result of failure or disconnection of telecommunications networks that produce the suspension, cancellation or discontinuance of the website service while providing the same or prior or subsequent character.

5. Privacy Policy

DILIGENS ensures that meets the security measures required by the Regulation on Security Measures for automated files containing personal data, approved by Royal Decree 994/1999 of 11 June.

The data that could be collected through this site will be included in an automated file of personal data under the responsibility DILIGENS. DILIGENS treat information confidentially and exclusively for the purpose of sending you the requested information via this page on the areas of interest DILIGENS give specific publications DILIGENS, answer your questions, consider you in future selection processes , etc. DILIGENS cancel personal data is inaccurate, incomplete or no longer necessary or relevant for the purpose for which it was collected, in accordance with the provisions of the legislation on protection of personal data.

Users may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to the data at the address listed in Section 1, indicating the reference on “PD”.

DILIGENS may use cookies during the service of the Site, although the user has the ability to configure your browser so that the creation of cookie files can prevent or warn of when this occurs. Cookies are automatic procedures for collecting information on the preferences of a user while visiting a particular website. This information is recorded in small files that are stored on the user’s computer, and each time the user accesses the website, these files are automatically activated in order to set up the website with the preferences indicated in previous visits.

6. Law and Jurisdiction

This Legal Notice is governed in each and every one of its clauses by Spanish Law and any dispute arising therefrom shall be settled by the Courts of Madrid Capital.

In any case, it might be possible to establish that the disputed issues are resolved through legal arbitration:

“For any legal issues could arise in connection with the Site, the parties agree, giving, where appropriate, the jurisdiction that could correspond to arbitration in law in the context of the Court of Arbitration of Madrid of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Madrid, to which the administration of arbitration and the appointment of arbitrators in accordance with its constitution and bylaws is entrusted.”

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